August 2, 2020 – Virginia’s Ashes to be released

Lots of things have been put on hold or delayed. There will be a private celebration with her closest friends and family on August 2 to release her ashes as she wished. We will play the following music. Even though I (her sister) am a singer, I never know if I can do...

A head for numbers 2005-19

Another thing I will never forget about Virginia was her incredible talent of remembering peoples phone numbers and addresses.  Over the years while working on Woodmen Hall projects, anytime we needed a phone number or address, we would just look at Virginia.  9 times...

Bridge at Fidalgo

My friendship with your sister was very short, but has left me with a special feeling of warmth. Geoff Holmes, another friend Kathy, and I had the privilege of playing bridge with Virginia on Friday afternoons [at Fidalgo Care Center] for several months and I was fond...